My scattered heart’s home

Local scenes around Singapore that remind me of being home – sights and scents I remember as a child, words that root this place in my scattered heart.

My scattered heart leans into that
sliver of rainbow kueh 
gooey sweet layers to be savoured
one colour at a time
but I knew at age 4
red was the best.

My threads stretch way back
to the dim market
where kopi and chit chat were adult
but I was allowed in,
a small bitter saucer
and long sad tales.

So much of me is pressed
tight into white walls
that stand no more,
home is now a taste,
a familiar voice
a memory of having dreamt.

©Lipstickandmiracles 2016  

In response to The Daily Post photo challenge Local.

Author: lipstick&miracles

A poet-writer-dreamer who wants to share her collection of bright and quiet miracles strung together through travel, reading, writing, doodling and the rest of it. Shapes and words that make her heart skip a beat... and maybe yours too?

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